Before beginning my bloveating, I hope we can stipulate that both American political parties want world peace ... and, perhaps more importantly, gaining and keeping their party in power. However, setting the stage for the 2020 presidential election, to me, the following seems to be what the donkeys and elephants are focused on:
Democrats: more abortions (“women’s reproductive health”), tax increases, more welfare spending, reparations, diversity and inclusion, more regulation, a “living Constitution,” illegal immigrant voting, open borders, free trade, delay in Iran’s nuclearization, socialism, sanctuary cities, defanged military, suppress “hate speech,” globalism, drastic cures to climate change, pack the Supreme Court, guaranteed national income, lower voting age to 16, infanticide, multiple genders, weakened Israel, eliminate Electoral College, border walls are immoral, Russia is pure evil, anti-guns
Republicans: higher economic growth, free speech, expansion of the middle class, less regulation, strict interpretation of Constitution original intent, secure borders (including a wall), resurgent domestic manufacturing, fair trade, denuclearizing of North Korea and Iran, higher wage growth, capitalism, rebuild U.S. military, nationalism, dismiss global warming hysteria, only living U.S. citizens voting, Spaceforce, strong Israel, allies paying for U.S. military protection, two genders, Russia could be helpful, pro 2nd Amendment
Reading back over these party positions, I am struck by how negative the Democrats stances are and how positive are the Republicans’. When campaigning, pluses are generally better than minuses.