1 - Who has a higher BMI, Whoopi Goldberg or Michael Moore?
2 - If our reality is all part of a giagantic computer simulation, who programmed the computer?
3 - Why can't we get Kim Jong Un and Ayatollah Khamenei to threaten each other?
4 - Does Hillary Clinton have any peers who could eventually serve as her jury?
5 - What does Bill O'Reilly normally drink for breakfast, coffee or hot chocolate?
6 - What peace does the UN Peacekeeping Forces keep?
7 - Will Canada accept Rosie O'Donnell if she finally tries to move there?
8 - Is science whatever liberals say it is?
9 - Will Trump use illegal immigrants to build the Mexican wall?
10 - Will we ever have contact with alien life ... and, if so, what will we say?
11 - When will Nancy Pelosi's face fall off?
12 - What do martyred Muslim gay men do with their 72 virgins?
13 - To where does all of Venezuela's oil revenues disappear?
14 - Will today's high school seniors be playing rap music at their 50th reunions?
15 - When autonomous cars are commonplace who will pay their parking tickets?
16 - Why doesn't Bill Gates just buy his own country?
17 - Will Chelsea Clinton ever serve as an elected government official?
18 - What happens to al the weight that people lose on the Jenny Craig diet?
19 - Does Al Gore have any convenient truths?
20 - Why do fools fall in love?