Saturday, October 01, 2016

What if ...

the Donald Trump/Mike Pence ticket wins in November? This upset victory might result in a number of interesting and maybe attractive developments:

- Hellary will divorce Bill and marry Huma

- Bill will devote his life to investigating female sex slave trafficking

- Barbara Streisand might move to Australia as promised

- Obummer will start his Family Foundation with the eventual intention of buying Kenya

- Newt Gingrich will be named Chief of Staff

- Mark Cuban will have lost a close friend

- Mar-a-Largo might become the summer White House

- Construction will start on the Keystone Excel pipeline

- Justice Ginsburg will not resign from the SCOTUS even when on a respirator

- Mexico will refuse to pay for the Wall

- Chris Christie will be named Attorney General

- The Clinton Foundation will have lost its major funding sources and may fold

- Rosie O'Donnell and Lena Dunham will move to Canada

- Melania Trump will attempt to buy back all her nudie photos

- Coal and other energy companies' stock prices will soar

- Paul Ryan and/or Jeb Bush might slit their wrists

- Bernie Sanders will retire to his new beach-front home


Anonymous said...

And the country will go broke and all your medicare and SS payments will stop. You 401s will be worthless. You'll be on a bread line with no health insurance and your grandchildren will have no future. Now that's funny.

George W. Potts said...

I think you have your candidates mixed up ...