Monday, October 17, 2016

Back Scratching

The recently revealed proposed quid pro quo arrangement between the FBI and the Clinton State Department is very depressing. The FBI has already been badly sullied by Director James Comey's tortured logic behind his decision to let Hellary slide on her clear perjury and possible treason that she perpetuated with her private e-mail server and her unpersuasive cover-up. This proposed deal was that certain of Hellary's e-mails would be redesignated after the fact by the FBI as non-classified in exchange for the State Department's allowing the FBI to send agents into Iraq and other countries of interest (not allowed by law ... reserved for the CIA) ... see: The Atlantic Story.

Now this "I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine" proposed transaction is of the ilk that happens all the time within government. However, both sides of this particular quid pro quo were illegal ... and therefore disturbing to say the least. And since it was proposed by the Clinton crime family, it should be the lead story in all the national media. [... crickets ...] It clearly displays the moral depravity that seems to be persistent within the Clinton campaign. Can't have that on display for the voters!


Anonymous said...

Check your sources. It was not proposed by HRC side, but rather by the FBI who are now investigating. Another Fox misleading report.

George W. Potts said...

The Atlantic article referenced (not Fox) says it was proposed by P. Kennedy from State.