Friday, October 28, 2016

It's Over!

Watching television this morning, it seems clear that Hellary Clinton has already won the presidency. There was lots of smug discussion about who was being considered for her cabinet members. And Hellary has promised to maintain Michelle Obama's vegetable garden at the White House. On Morning Joe, John Heidlemann revealed that Trump has shut down his fund-raising operation and hasn't put any more of his own money into his campaign this October ... meaning that he already considers it a lost cause.

So it is a fait accompli ... Hellary is to be our first female president ... and the Clinton crime family is shifting into overdrive calculating how to turn hundreds of millions of dollars of political graft into billions. Illegal immigrants are flooding through our southern border expecting to be allowed to stay and made citizens. And the two year vetting process for Muslim immigrants has been cut to two minutes in anticipation of massive new acceptance quotas. A rate schedule has also been published for overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom and rides on Air Force One.

On the other hand, Trump has scheduled a two month cooldown at Mar a Largo and then a fund raiser to help recover some of his out-of-pocket campaign expenses. His children are hard at work starting the Trump TV Network from the ashes of Fox News. Speaking of which, Megyn Kelly has been invited to be an honored guest at the Clinton inauguration.

All in all there is muted celebration among the establishment pols in Washington ... which is pretty much all of them. No need to wait for November 9th!

Breaking: Maybe not ... FBI reopens investigation into Hellary e-mail case ... 


ChillFin said...

But the GOP still has hope that they can maintain control of the Senate so that they can immediately demonstrate that they will do nothing, prevent the POTUS from adding to the SCOTUS, and immediately start impeachment of Hillary. Thus accomplishing the triumverate of seizing up all three branches of the US government so that they can... um, so that they can show that they can... save our government before it does something stupid.

George W. Potts said...

Our government might even be in gridlock even if Trump were elected ...