Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Enabling the Enablier

Not surprisingly the recently released Wikileaks' e-mails hacked from John Podesta, Chairman of Hellary "The Enabler" Clinton's campaign, reveal an unsettling close relationship between many media personalities and Podesta. And it is sad to say "not surprisingly" because the media has increasingly become stenographers for the Democrat party ever since the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s ... that's 45 years of creeping media enabling to the point where, now, it is the expected norm. In the first three presidential and vice presidential debates we have witnessed clear thumb-on-the-scale attempts by the media moderators to swing the results to the Democrats ... all the while feigning impartiality.

Below are just a few recent e-mails revelations showing the extent of these cozy and unhealthy media relationships with Podesta ... all pulled directly from The Drudge Report (one media outlet still holding out):
This is just from previous e-mail dumps. There are many more coming and we may indeed see the entire establishment media compromised before this is over. Will it make a difference? One can only hope ... although these reporting lapses must first be revealed to the the American public in general. And how might this happen? Certainly not through the establishment media ...


DEN said...

Well, this is a shocking revelation. Most of us were unaware of this "media bias"! Something ought to be done about it. I'm sure when Jerry Springer - oops I mean DJT - gets elected, he will take control of the news so you will feel better.

George W. Potts said...

So, you are saying it's OK? And that John Harwood is cut from different cloth from Jerry Springer?

DEN said...

Actually I think I would vote for Jerry Springer vs Trump.

DEN said...

Who gives a crap what John Harwood says or thinks?

George W. Potts said...

And I will vote for Trump vs. Hellary as will millions of other Americans ... those whom you and Hellary look down upon.

DEN said...

Yes, I do feel superior to anyone who is so blind with hatred to believe Trump would be a competent President. PS The election is over. The pooch has been screwed.

George W. Potts said...

Who is full of hatred. I am not calling you and your ilk "deplorable." And no, I can't guarantee that Trump will be competent as president ... but I can guarantee what the Clinton crime family will do to our country ... and it's not good.

DEN said...

I'm not saying YOU are deplorable. I'm talking about the unthinking dolts who would rather burn it down than see Hillary in office.

George W. Potts said...

Sometimes the structure is so compromised and full of vermin that there is little left to do but to torch it ...