Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Worm Turns

"This will bend the medical cost curve down." -- President Obummer

There is a famous apocryphal quote that says, "A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged." Well now we are discovering another population who may be rethinking their politics -- university information professionals in California. Apparently the high (and rapidly rising) cost of Obamacare for this gaggle of Golden State IT workers is forcing layoffs there ... ironically to be replaced by immigrant h-1b workers, mainly from India. These cost savings for those higher educational institutions allows them to keep their heads above the rising fiscal waters, at least for a while ... see: Breitbart Article.

It is not difficult to forecast the results of these employment dislocations ... more Trump votes among these formally liberal Californian ITers. This layoff trend may even metastasize to professors and university instructors ... then these uber-liberal pedagogues would also be forced to rethink their politics and their classroom messages. Then the worm might finally turn.

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