Monday, September 12, 2016

Buffalo Springfield

"Everybody look what's goin' 'round ..."

Hellary Clinton it appears has "pneumonia" ... this is why she collapsed halfway through the 9/11 ceremony on Sunday. Now, many other Democrat operatives also have pneumonia ... it's goin' 'round ... Senator Chuck Schumer, Campaign Manager Robbie Mook, and others in her Brooklyn campaign headquarters ... see: People Magazine. Boston radio host, Howie Carr, has compared this pneumonia echo to the "I am Spartacus" scene in the Kirk Douglas movie where all the escaped slaves step forward with this same avowal to protect Kirk.

But the real 64 million dollar question is: Does Huma Abedin also have pneumonia?

I have another skeptical comment about Hellary's health problems. Her persistent and serious coughing has been attributed to "seasonal allergies." Now, since this malady was first evidenced in her public appearances this last January 25th ... exactly what season are we talking about? It has been with her now for three seasons?

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