Friday, September 09, 2016

Settled Science

Over 97% of 250 doctors and surgeons who answered an American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) survey concerning Hellery Clinton's health ... answered that they did not believe that such questions were politically motivated ... meaning that only 3% thought that they were. The remaining answers were either definitive in saying that they were seriously concerned about Clinton's health (71%) or that concerns may be overblown but still should cause her health records to be made public (20%) or had no opinion (6%) ... see: PR Newswire Story.

Given these percentages, can we then conclude that Hellary is very likely having serious-enough health problems that they should be publicly revealed. And can we say that this is ... "settled science"?


ChillFin said...

Seemed to me that last year's physical as posted in NYT:
was very professional and detailed, while the ensuing fake letter: was debunked.

Granted, a 2016 physical would be a good update but did you read the details of the 2015 report?

George W. Potts said...

No ... but I think we are talking about an independent assay ... for both candidates.

ChillFin said...

Read it. Then read Trump's doctor's letter.

George W. Potts said...

I don't trust either letter ...

ChillFin said...

Well who do you trust? Is it just Powerline, Diplomad, Breitbart, and Fox? You are starting to sound like Alice in Wonderland...

DEN said...

Why would a Doc offer a diagnosis on a patient that they had not examined? Possible answer: One who wanted to grind an ax? It seems extraordinarily unprofessional for an org to devise such a survey unless there was an agenda.

George W. Potts said...

How about a panel of three renowned docs ... one liberal, one conservative and one transgender. The do a Mayo Clinic work up ... then they write a peer reviewed diagnosis ... and reveal that Hellary is unfit.

George W. Potts said...

Here are some additional comments, both plus and minus: ""