Thursday, September 08, 2016

Outside the Box

Donald Trump has a penchant for thinking and speaking outside the box. He does not always toe even the Republican Party orthodoxy on issues ... such as his not vilifying Russia or his questioning the competency of our current crop of generals ... and this gets him in hot water with the liberal media and even some of his would-be supporters ... see: AP Story. (Note how this liberal-media article bolsters my argument and see if not the reaction to these comments are not used against Trump in the days to come.) In some ways, Trump's thinking reminds me of how Nixon opened up to China back in 1972 and how this bold move altered the arc of history.

I guess it is my own different-drummer thinking that allows me often to forgive what others view as gaffes on Trump's part ... but his questioning approach on problems is, I believe, not only healthy, but necessary. Yes, if after exploring alternatives, Trump may sometimes return to the mainstream line on issues ... and this is used by his enemies as evidence of his vacillating. But, to me, this shows the breadth of his decision making ability ... a strength, not a weakness. If this man is elected president, then most of his "outside the box" questioning should take place in closed meetings and the American people would only see better, more thought-trough decisions ... not the lazy ideological claptrap that Obummer is constantly feeding the world.

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