Friday, June 24, 2016

You Might be a Liberal ...

If you have attended Burning Man more than twice

If you think Al Sharpton is a real Reverend

If you believe that "women's reproductive health" means women's reproductive health

If you majored in Gender Studies at MIT

If you donated your SSI check to Black Lives Matter

If you can use "diversity" and "inclusion" in the same sentence

If you still display your college Che poster in your retirement home

If you have a Bernie bumper sticker on your Prius

If you have more than five EBT cards

If you passed out doobies during Occupy Wall Street

If you wore Birkenstocks to your 25th high school reunion

If you never mouth the words to our National Anthem

If you call 22-caliber rifles "weapons of war"

If you make fun of rednecks


ChillFin said...

Wow! Zero hits. And I thought I might be a bit liberal...‼️

DEN said...

I must be one. I think that a 22 caliber semiautomatic rifle that can kill 50 people and wound another 50 is a military style weapon.

George W. Potts said...

Get with the Dems' vernacular ... The phrase is "weapon of war" not "military-style weapon". It was clearly designed to "kill people" and nothing else! You will never make it into the Newspeak dictionary.

DEN said...

Words are useless when arguing with ideologues.
I give up.

George W. Potts said...

You might be a liberal if you use "ideologue" as a pajorative