Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Michelle O: "I wake up in a house built by slaves"

Human organs grown in pig

FEC Commissioner: Obamaphones fraud approaching $500 million

Two  inches [of snow] forecast [in June] for Adirondacks

San Fran pushing for illegals to vote

Monkey knocks out Kenya's entire power grid

Latino support for Trump on rise at 37%

Bobby Brown claims he had sex ... with a ghost

Law firm and judge associated with Trump U. case both associated with La Raza

Claim: Robots will take HALF the world's jobs by 2045

Trans students beat girls in HS sports

Social media app usage falling significantly

PLAYBOY mansion sold

One-third of Vermont refugees test positive for TB

O.J. Simpson may confess to murders

Hillary Clinton wore a $12,495 Armani jacket to a speech about inequality

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