Thursday, June 16, 2016

Blood on Our Hands

The Senate Democrats are in high dudgeon ... they just had a 15 hour filibuster demanding that our government should get tougher on our immigration enforcement so that Muslim  terrorists cannot slip into our country among the thousands of unvetted migrants from the strife-ridden Middle East ... and kill dozens of innocent Americans.

They didn't do this? ... What? They instead were jumping and screaming about what these terrorists were using to kill Americans ... the so-called  Rambo-style weapons ... or the weapons of war ... or the assault rifles ... or "guns designed to kill people". (Don't liberals really manipulate language well?) See: New York Times Story. Now assault rifles are semi-automatic (each shot takes a finger-pull) but both Bernie Sanders and The View's Joy Behar have called them "automatic" weapons or machine guns (a single finger pull dispenses dozens of bullets). And, according to our professed American Indian Senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, if we don't outlaw these evil guns, we "will have blood on our hands."

This anger is clearly misplaced ... it's like blaming the big scary automobile if its drunk driver kills someone.

OK ... but  if the media won't stop exorcising and Democrat Senators won't listen to reason, Therefore, I think that Republicans should bend and pass this Democrat's feel-good legislation. However, there should be a number of Republican provisos attached to this Second Amendment stricture. They are:

- The guns to be outlawed MUST be actual military weapons of war using military ammunition which are actually designed to kill people.

- All current gun laws MUST be fully enforced. Obummer and Hellery cannot wave away any statute that offends them or for their political advantage. And absolutely no existing compulsory gun charges can be plea-bargained out of any felony prosecution.

- If any government lists are used to exclude the purchase of any such firearms, such persons excluded MUST have the right of judicial appeal of their placement on such a list. This due process MUST be concluded within 30 days.

- The vetting process for Muslim immigrants MUST be at least as vigorous as the vetting process for such gun purchasers ... and any BS statements by Obummer about how this process now takes six months needs to be independently verified. If this turns out not to be the case, then this law is automatically null and void.

Then, if another Islamic terrorist finds it necessary in Allah's name to kill multiple Americans, I would hope that the main stream media will point out those who really have blood on THEIR hands ... Obummer and Hellery.


DEN said...

Sigsauer MCX assault rifle designed to kill human beings. Makes a ghastly exit wound. Can fire upwards of 100 rounds per minute. The Republicans have refused to vote to ban these murderous military replicas and large ammo clips because they are on the take from Gun Lobby. Blood IS on their hands!

George W. Potts said...

It's always the gun and not the gunner ...

DEN said...

NRA: The guy was an American citizen born in USA; he was exercising his second amendment rights to defend himself against the gay attackers.

ChillFin said...

The guy was a security guard for 9 years with a huge security company. They need to review their employee behaviors because their staff has an implicit approval of their 'good guy' status.

ChillFin said...

As to the guns, the AR-15 is rather accepted in many countries and there are already millions of them in America. So let it be.

George W. Potts said...

Next it's BB guns ...

ChillFin said...

It is illegal to have fully automatic guns, bazookas, flame throwers, and hand grenades. So hunters are already deprived of those weapons.

DEN said...

They'll have to pry my BB gun from my gnarled, arthritic hands. I need it to protect my garden from wascally wabbits.