Wednesday, June 29, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites:

Maine's First Lady takes summertime waitress job to pick up cash

Federal Judge: Constitution outdated, no value studying it ...

English will no longer be [an] EU official language

Flashback: Hillery pitches TPP 'gold standard'

Barry Gibb to release first album since '01

Obama pushes military to salute transgender, cross-dressing soldiers

China to Mars 'by end of decade'

FBI didn't inform some people they were on the ISIS kill list

Keystone XL pipeline company sues Obama and U.S. For $15 billion under NAFTA

Democrat platform calls for taxpayer funded abortions

Obama to hasten pivot towards Germany as top ally

University of North Carolina: Christmas is a 'microaggression' now

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