Saturday, December 11, 2021

Mostly Cajun Find

Dr. Fauci

Now do you get it?

Christine Grady is head of “NIH BioEthics”…this is the organization that approves drugs for the FDA.*

And this is her husband.

* may be only partially true



ChillFin said...

COLLUSION: secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

They both work for the NIH. They are in collaboration. No secrets. Nothing illegal.

George W. Potts said...

You assert, like I did, something you have no real knowledge of. But, at least I have one thing going … if married couples don’t collude, who does? BTW, married couples should not be allowed to work for the same gov’t agency … particularly when they have positions of power. Period.

ChillFin said...

If you find that either of them got a large chunk of Moderna or Pfizer stock then you've got something. Until then, back to your initial statement: "Now do you get it?" Get what?

George W. Potts said...

I’ll let you do the research to debunk this “”. I’m sure it exists somewhere. And if it claims that he donates the profits to charity, I would appreciate his tax returns as proof. He is as slippery as a greased pig.

ChillFin said...

Apparently, from your POV everybody is on the take except you, me, and Mr. Trump. Where are his tax returns? He promised to release them five (5) years ago!

George W. Potts said...

Trump’s tax returns were leaked over the year ago … see: “”, Yawn!

ChillFin said...

I was expecting an IRS Form 1040 like everyone else submits.