Monday, December 20, 2021

Today’s Poser

If you are fully vaccinated, you are supposedly protected. But, if it turns out you aren’t, does it make any difference if you catch breakthrough COVID from another vaccinated person or an unvaccinated one?



DEN said...

Some scientists think that unvaccinated people who get infected are more likely carry a heavier viral load than someone who has been fully vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna but gets a breakthrough case.

So, yeah, there is a difference.

George W. Potts said...

Opinion is not science.

On my zoom call today one person was friends with two couples … all four people fully vaccinated and boosted … one in each got COVID and infected the partner. Who knows how the original infection occurred, but dollars to donuts it was from a vaccinated and boosted person.

And how about Cory Booker, Liz Warren, Jen Psnarky, Gov. Hogan, etc.?

My opinion: forcing someone to get the jabs … particularly if they have had COVID, violates natural law, the Constitution and morality. It is an action motivated by selfish fear … and not some concern for the health of the unvaccinated.

DEN said...

Every one is entitled to their opinion, as they say. Science talks about viral load. Uninformed opinion offers anecdotes that stray from the point. No one is forced to get the jabs. They can opt to not go to restaurants, theaters, or offices where they may put others at risk. Please do not pretend to understand morality.

I just checked, The Constitution is silent about vaccination. No one really gives a shit about the ignorant unvaccinated. We the anointed, pure, and informed just don't want to be around them. They are the petri dish for the next variant.

ChillFin said...

The practical solution is that the anti-vaxxers pay a substantial surcharge for health insurance that is not covered by employer contributions.

George W. Potts said...

And smokers, men having unprotected gay sex, overweight people, people using drugs, etc.?

I guess people who fear the unknown naturally turn into petty tyrants … claiming to understand how viruses mutate … when our brilliant “scientists” have been wrong over and over again.

But that hasn’t stopped them … and you … from getting on the soapbox!

A little humility and understanding please, you fearful people!

DEN said...

No one is allowed to smoke inside anymore. Unprotected gay sex is not allowed in restaurants or gyms. Overweight people are scorned, but cannot infect others with lardness. People using illegal drugs are outlaws, unwelcome in most venues. So your analogy falls flat.
You need to get off your smug high horse and embrace the best chance of survival.
Hospitals are full of people who, like you, believe the nonsense and drivel from Q'anon, Fox and Alex Jones.

George W. Potts said...

I see you are attempting humor … spiced up with fear. Relax pilgrim, don’t let anxiety run your life.