Monday, August 28, 2017


If Trump is a modern-day Hitler, why is it that virtually no one in power can throw him a compliment?  All one ever hears is stinging criticism of the Donald. Adolph, on the other hand, was fairly unsullied domestically until 1945.

However, if Trump were to grow a mustache ...


ChillFin said...

Hitler made many domestic improvements before he used them as evidence that he was the supreme leader. Then his superb scripting snd delivery of speeches rallied the people to his cause. Trump makes too many claims about hollow sucesses, engages in silly squabbles, and delivers speeches that rally some prople yet they are barely quotable and are not drawing in more people at every turn. In summary he is not focused and is trying to claim the goal too quickly.

DEN said...

Could it be that they agree that he is totally unsuited for the job? (Hitler at least got the trains running on time).

George W. Potts said...

That train claim was Mussolini ...

George W. Potts said...

Pay little attention to what Trump says ... watch what he does.

ChillFin said...

Well then he should STFU and get something done besides rescinding laws and crippling service agencies.

George W. Potts said...

I agree that he might stop making enemies with his loose lips. But IMHO he is getting things done ... as well as can be without the help of most of Congress.

ChillFin said...

So where Obama got things done without the help of most of congress to implement freedoms and protections that a tremendous number of people saw as progressive, Trump is simply dismantling those freedoms and protections that corporations and bigots see as positive improvements. Sad.

George W. Potts said...

Your perception of things is so diametrically opposed to mine that it takes my typing breath away ...

ChillFin said...

That response takes MY typing breath away...

DEN said...

I'm in agreement with Chill's analysis, in case there was any doubt.

George W. Potts said...

I must be wrong then ...

ChillFin said...

Thank you Den. George you are not wrong. When you (and KellyAnn and Huckabee Sanders) say "Don't listen to what he says, just feel what is in his heart... watch what he does.", I take pause to allow that to play out. George, you said above " what he does." The follow-ons to his utterances are, in the range of very-poor to excellent, consistently a gentleman's C or less IMHO. He is flunking out.