Saturday, August 19, 2017

Liberal Logical Leap

Conservative = Nationalist = White Separatist = Racist =  Anti-Semite = neo-Nazi


ChillFin said...

If you replace "=" with "includes", your leaps make more sense. Each is a subgroup of the parent group. There are members of the parent group that do not conform to the subgroup. At that, i believe there are liberals that are non-globalists, and hence are nationalists in the more general meaning. As the USA was founded as a melting pot, we must not espouse ethnic or religious purity as our hertage. Granted, we committed genocide on native Americans, and embraced slavery but those are in our history (and museums). We legislated to bring back the essence of "all men are created equal" even though many citizens never quite accepted that essential American mantra.

George W. Potts said...

Nothing I can take issue with except the word "genocide" ...

ChillFin said...

Great! Substitute "marginalized" for "committed genocide on".

George W. Potts said...

Just like the liberal media is trying to "marganalize'" the Right ...

ChillFin said...

Perhaps. But i wouldn't want to consider not listening to the Right's blatherings remotely comparable to the travesties commited against Native Americans, especially Jackson's Trail of Tears march of citizens from their ancestral homelands.

ChillFin said...

Ok let the top level put all the subgroups in the intersection of libersls and conservatives. For that matter, let's make another intersection over that of nationalists and globalists.