Tuesday, August 01, 2017


All on Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

McCain once almost left the GOP. What about now?

Exclusive: Ex-Wasserman Schultz aide in Pakistan may still be moving big money out of the US

755 diplomats must leave Russia ...

House Judiciary asks for new special counsel for Clinton, Comey, and Lynch

Kelly's first task: Stabilize the West Wing

Leading US missile defense system guns down incoming missile

South [Korea] wants its own nukes

EU takes legal action against Poland ... for refusing to do as told

Lawsuits could force Feds to pay Obamacare insurers

ISIS connected Australian Lebanese terrorist planned to gas everyone on board plane

Saudi Arabia says internationalization of holy sites 'an act of war' ...

CA high-speed rail faces delay as Greens win in court


DEN said...

Bad week for the Mooch. Missed the birth of new child, wife wants divorce, mocking stock of mainstream media, fired in disgrace when an adult enters the room.

George W. Potts said...

Mooch is a pooch ...