Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Jackass Bray

You might have noticed on this blog that I am not a fan of ANTIFA, that fascist group that is claimed "anti-fascist" ... running around shutting down free-speech demonstration in their black masks and outfits carrying various weapons. Well it seems that the inspiration for this vile group of Soros-funded goons and misguided snowflakes is a summer history lecturer at Dartmouth by the name of Mark Bray.Mark  wrote this terrorist group's manifesto and was instrumental in its organization. He suggests that this gang resist anything that they don't cotton to (read Trump & Co.) "through whatever means that seems fit" which they appear to be doing very effectively ... with the tacit encouragement of much of the "resistance" left.

To his rare credit, Dartmouth's president, Phil Hanlon wrote a letter disapproving of Dr. Bray in somewhat predictably tepid terms. And, also predictably, 12o Dartmouth faculty members have signed a letter supporting this jackass ... see: Dartblog Entry. Hopefully, President Hanlon can show Jackass Bray the door and then sit down with these 120 faculty members (and backed by the Dartmouth Trustees) to explain, in no uncertain terms, just who this boob is and why he is not to be revered. But perhaps I am asking too much of Phil and the Dartmouth Trustees ... given their lack of spine of late?


ChillFin said...

What is it a about Dartmouth? It seems to come up as a backgrounder fro extremists on both poles.

DEN said...

Soros-funded goons? Snowflakes? Which is it?

George W. Potts said...

"Snowflakes" has its own modifier ...

George W. Potts said...

Many of the great conservative voices today were rehearsed in Hanover. Perhaps in reaction to all the loopy liberalism there ...