Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Truth

President Trump has been very effectively painted by the media as a serial liar (something like 13,000 lies since he took office) ... when, in fact, he is possibly the greatest truth-telling politician of our lifetimes. That is why he is president and has such adoring crowds. It is the media liars who refuse to recognize this truth (and his truths.)

Here are a few of Trump’s truths:

- American leaders have allowed China to steal us blind over the last 30 years

- The American economy could be a lot better

- The US needs to have the best military in the world

- Our judicial system too often creates laws, does not interpret laws

- Many European allies have stepped back and let the U.S. carry the majority of the responsibility for keeping the world safe

- The United States will never be a Socialist country

- Spending our treasure and the lives of our youth to “fix” other nations is foolish

- Global warming is a gigantic scam

- Washington is a swamp filled with too many self-serving and often dishonest bureaucrats

- Republican campaign colluding with Russia was a media/Deep State attempted cabal

- Russia under Putin is a bad actor ... but it can be useful in countering China and the radical Muslim threats

- Nations without borders are not nations

- Patriotism and respect for our flag is not a sin

- Much of our media dispenses “fake news” shaped by Liberal politics

- Immigration, even large immigration, is good only if controlled and selective

- Iran and North Korea are dangerous enemies and need to be put in a box

- There are a number of other despotic nation’s around the world which are not our friends but, nonetheless, need to be dealt with so that they don’t become our enemies

- Israel and Great Britain are our closest natural friends and need to be treated as such

- The UN is a very expensive, yet ineffective “world government”

- Liberal-run cities ate generally failing their citizens

- Blacks and Latinos have been ill-served by their Democrat masters


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