Sunday, November 05, 2017

Common Sense

Paul Mirengoff of the Powerline blog makes a good common-sense case for stopping all immigration from certain Muslim countries which seem to breed terrorists once they live in our country for a while. He argues that no amount of pre-immigration vetting is going to root out the bad guys ... see: Powerline Blog. Sayfullo Saipov was the immigrant from Uzbekistan who slipped through the supposed "rigorous two-year" vetting process (according to the lefty pols and media) and went on to slaughter eight and injure eleven with a rental truck in New York City this past Halloween. (Perhaps, if the two-year vetters had noted that his first name translates into "sword of Allah", it might have helped.)

Yes, our bubble-headed left ... who believe that "diversity" and "inclusion" are the panaceas to all our nation's problems ... have allowed ideology to cloud their common sense. When the United States was building the Panama Canal, we realized that mosquitoes,which caused yellow fever and malaria, were a major hinderance to this project. So, we reduced the population of the mosquitoes by eliminating and oiling their breeding grounds.

This is, what we used to call common sense. And common sense dictates that, if we want to reduce terrorism in our country, we should stop all Muslims from immigrating from those countries that seem to spawn such miscreants. Just as all misquitoes don't carry yellow fever or malaria, not all Muslims are potential terrorists. But, not being able to filter out the bad ones, the next best solution would be to un-diversify and un-include those Muslims who might become our killers. It is just that simple ... use that sense which causes us to come in out of the rain.

No, I am not calling Muslims (from these suspected countries) "mosquitoes" (an expected knee-jerk response from the left). I am saying that, unless and until we can find a way to keep such Muslims from turning on us with the sword of Allah, we should not invite them into our homeland in any numbers. Someday, perhaps, after there is a reformation within this "religion of peace," then this stricture can change. But encouraging people who might want to murder or enslave us does not seem too common-sensical.


ChillFin said...

Common sense would also call for not curtseying and fondling globes with the Saudis... the bin Ladens, the 9/11 pilots, the exporters of Wahhabism, the funders of elegant new mosques worldwide that promote Sharia law and jihad, and a country that rules strictly against women, gays, and Jews. Yet Aramco, the Arabian American oil that gave rise to the Arabian wealth, is in the news just today: "Trump pitches Saudi Aramco to list IPO stock on the NYSE, calling it 'important' to the US."

DEN said...

Here's an apt analogy: Because some gun owners shoot people with guns, we should ban all sales from companies that make weapons that can shoot people. Common sense.
Or, are you are only interested in preventing the attacks that are accompanied by shouts that "god is great!" ??

George W. Potts said...

Agree with all except why not the IPO on NYSE? Did you also notice what else happened in the Kingdom yesterday? Mass arrests and ousters for corruption. Is this Trump's doing?

George W. Potts said...

If you want to ban all instruments of death, then start with cars, opioids and Rap albums. Guns are useful in keeping our government in check ... which was the reason for the 2nd amendment.

ChillFin said...

No. The young prince moving into the leadership position around the intended next in line is aggressively involved in everything modernizing a bit (women driving, loosening restrictions that grate on young internet-addicted youth), cleaning up corruption, fighting with Yemen, and tightening budgets. While still a spendthrift himself he is tearing up many Saudi traditions. One is to getaway from depending on the vagaries of the oil markets as their prime revenue.. even getting into wind and solar energy. Going public is that two-edged sword where you get OPM (other people's money) to share the risks/rewards but you have to honestly report auditable financials managed by a diverse board of directors.

ChillFin said...

Ah! All cars are registered and all opioids come from registered (albeit deviant) physicians/pharmacists. I don't think anyone tracks Rap 'albums'...why should they?

George W. Potts said...

You forgot illegal Dominicans who don't register cars and distribute home-grown opioids ...

George W. Potts said...

This all sounds good to me ... and listing on the NYSE would require stricter reporting than on the Dubai Exchange.

DEN said...

Re: your second amendment myth. This isn't Cuba. Your rag-tag, assault weapon-armed, untrained rebel militias would be wiped-out in hours by tanks and air strikes. The only feasible armed revolution would have to be occur in armed rebel military units. We need to use common sense and take these killing weapons off the streets.

DEN said...

Re: banning instruments of death: I am OK with banning rap music, opioids and bad drivers.

George W. Potts said...

I'm not sure ... are you advocating that Americans be allowed to buy bazookas and howitzers?

ChillFin said...

Don’t forget handgrenades and flame throwers.

DEN said...

Funny, the 2nd amendment didn't mention mention bazookas... or semi-automatic weapons.