Friday, November 24, 2017


The Birkenstock crowd fill their bumpers

With twisted rants as never-Trumpers

They claim him to be a hifalutin

Secret fan of Russia's Putin

They wear "pussy" hats to show resistance

To any who might support his existence

They protest the Wall and the travel ban

And claim his love for the Klu Klux Klan

They stay up nights concocting zingers

And give his limo their middle fingers

They mock and sneer and call him crazy

But somehow never deem him lazy

They fear his thumb on the nuclear button

And diss him as a McDonald's glutton

They want his head like John the Baptist

As punishment for being neo-fascist

But most of all these liberal Seraphim

Wish Robert Mueller would castrate him ...


DEN said...

This is wrong in so many ways...

George W. Potts said...

So sayeth a never-Trumper ...