Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Cybersecurity Security

Full disclosure: I recently bought some Cisco Systems common stock.

Cybersecurity is becoming a very important national defense issue ... and I believe that the attempts to defeat these attacks on end-user and infrastructure sites (such as utilities) are a suboptimal solution. Cyber criminals seem always to be able to circumvent the latest end-user firewall or other security methods with, viruses, spear phishing, etc. ... because of one glaring weakness ... the sheer number of end-user sites and the logistics problems of keeping them all up to date security-wise.

Here is, I think, a better strategy. Companies like Cisco Systems who manufactures many routers, or the nodes in Internet communications, now could and should, because of much faster electronic technology and advances in AI, identify, intercept and destroy many of these malicious bit streams before they ever reach end users. Certainly "denial of service" attacks should be easy to spot and stop. And all sorts of other viruses, malware, and even ransomware might be quickly identified and squelched at these communications nodes through pattern recognition techniques.

Thwarting all this evil software from ever entering end-user computers would be an enormous revenue generating engine for the likes of Cisco Systems and its Internet brethren.

Please don't sue me if I am wrong ... I will have lost also.

Another Wall St. thought: Amazon's just announced its intended purchase of Whole Foods. IMHO this merger has a good chance of attracting an anti-trust reaction ... particularly since CEO Jeff Bezos' personal ownership of Trump's nemesis, the Washington Post.

1 comment:

DEN said...

This is the most informative post I've seen on this site since you posted Jeanette's Caesar Salad recipe.