Saturday, July 09, 2016

Obummer's Legacy

Obummer may not be the worst president in American history, but he still has six more months to sew up the title. He promised us hope and change ... and he certainly changed most things for the worse ... to the point where many of us are willing to take a flyer on a loud-mouth self promoter who just might repair enough things to save our nation's bacon. To reprise Obummer's last 7 1/2 years, here is the legacy he has left us with:

- More than a doubling of our national debt to an unsustainable level

- Race relations at an all-time low

- Corruption tainting almost every cabinet department

- Growing income inequality squeezing the middle class

- Urban crime rates back on the rise

- Economic and wage growth in the toilet

- Negative balance of payment at an all-time high

- Number of people dropping out of the workforce at an all-time high

- Swarms of illegal immigrants from Latin America countries

- An open door policy for unvetted Muslim immigrants

- A doubling of families receiving food stamps

- Zero tax reform

- Zero entitlement reform

- Huge increase in burdensome government regulations

- A gutting of our military

- Disastrous remaking of our health-care system

- The Middle East in smoking ruins

- Much more belligerent Russia, China, North Korea and Iran

- An alienated and abandoned Israel

- Deteriorating national infrastructure

- Serious loss of our international hegemony

And Hellery Clinton has promised to continue us down Obummer's primrose path!


ChillFin said...

Ah yes! If only the country can get back to the innocent, prosperous, and peaceful course of late 2008, then we can resume thrusting our exceptional greatness into every other nation's sovereign space.

George W. Potts said...

GWB was a bad man, so BHO being a disaster is OK? I welcome a list of Obummer's accomplishments too balance this list of his wet farts ...

ChillFin said...

George W. Potts said...

This is mostly eyewash. Tell us in your own words what he has done right. Then we can argue.

ChillFin said...

I'd do it 'my own words' but I would likely be paraphrasing a lot of what is at that site. Besides that, I am hard-working fully-employed worker with lots on my plate.