Sunday, July 10, 2016

Fire Hydrant Talks

Thursday night, in order to push forward his agenda of prison and criminal sentencing reform ... and lifting his leg once again on the fire hydrant he calls the police ... Barack Obummer emoted some very misleading statistics trying to show how racist America's law enforcement system is. On Friday Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute was on talk radio providing the real numbers ... most of which knocked Obummer's assertions into a cocked hat ... see: Rush Limbaugh Interview and National Review Article.

The show she was on was the Howie Carr Show here in Boston and Howie treated us to another interesting statistic. Apart from his body language and tonal disparity, Barack Obummer spent over 16 minutes Thursday night, before the Dallas shootings, disparaging, on Polish television, American police forces as racist for the shooting in Minneapolis and Baton Rouge. Friday morning, in response to the heinous shootings in Dallas in which five police officers were murdered, Obummer spent less than four minutes with his monotonal and perfunctory remarks some of which were directed at blaming guns for this mayhem. Obummer was over four times more vocal about those first two black killings than he was about the five police deaths in Dallas.

The One who promised in 2008 to be an uniter is, as an unfortunate fact, a natural-born divider.

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