Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Predictions

- At least one country will leave the European Economic Comm.

- Oil and gas fracking will be outlawed by the E.P.A

- Jimmy Carter will attend Hugo Chavez’s funeral … or visa versa

- Massive student-loan meltdown ...  U.S. taxpayers foot the bill

- China will annex more territory … possibly part of Mongolia

- U.S. economy will fall into another recession

 - Iran and Egypt form a pan-Islamic alliance

- Hillary Clinton will not remember Benghazi in front of Congress

- Iran gets atom bomb … U.S. and Israel do nothing militarily

- It’s Denver vs. San Francisco in Super Bowl ... Denver wins

- Inflation finally bites … up 5%+

- At least one state will go bankrupt ... U.S. taxpayers foot the bill

1 comment:

ChillFin said...

These are substantially a carry-forward of last year's predictions (they are supposed to occur within the year.) Also none of the other predictions happened. (Did I misunderstand a prognistication?) No third-party, no Hillary for VP, no attack on Iran one way or the other. I guess China's economy has softened but was there really much civil unrest? If were a betting man I'd go short on your predictions. :-)