Sunday, May 08, 2016

Border Walls

Our feckless Secretary of State, John F. Kerry (who briefly served in Vietnam), recently told the graduates of Northeastern University that they should be prepared to live in a borderless world ... for no wall can be built high enough to deter those terrorists who want to harm us ... see: Washington Examiner Article.

Yes, Gigolo John, you are correct ... but such a wall, combined with vigorous enforcement of our existing immigration laws, can significantly reduce the odds of such an occurrence. I guess that today's graduates can't understand this distinction.

Perhaps, John, we shouldn't have locks on our doors because some burglars can climb through our second floor windows ... or have bars on our jails because occasionally we lose a resourceful escapee?

We, in the United States, are now saddled with senior management who have an Utopian one-world view and are determined to implement this idiot ideology even if the vast majority of their countrymen disagree. This could easily be thought of as treasonous ... but, as anyone who has watched this Boston Brahmin's braggadocios career, this wouldn't be the first time he skipped across this red line.

How a man so stunningly stupid and duplicitous as Kerry can rise to the positions of power he has held causes one (me) to question our society's basic underpinnings. Possibly George W. Bush's greatest achievement was keeping this numbskull from "reporting for duty" at the White House.

Robert Frost had it right ... "Good fences make good neighbors."


ChillFin said...

Here is betting that if the wall construction is put out for bids, the reqs for durability, length, cost, experience, and time to completion will favor the Chinese.

George W. Potts said...

My money is on all (illegal) Mexican laborers ...

ChillFin said...

The Chinese will arrive with a wall construction monster machine where you put steel and concrete in as it rolls out a perfect 25 foot impervious wall.

ChillFin said...