Friday, March 25, 2016

Strong Coffee

Sleepyheads, if you wish to be jolted awake about the threat that Islam (not just Islamic jihad) poses for the future of civilization, then read the following essay by one of my favorite bloggers, W. Lewis Amselem (the Diplomad). In this frank and studied blast at this "religion of Peace" Amselem disassembles a lot of the myth and misinformation that we are being fed by those unwilling or unable to see the naked threat that our world is facing  ... see: Dealing with the Islamic Threat. This is pretty powerful stuff ... so be forewarned.

And now I have one more reason not to vote for that Islamophile, Ms. Clinton.


ChillFin said...

So genocide of 1.2 billion people would solve everything.

George W. Potts said...

I don't think that that was being suggested ... and it's 1.6 billion.

ChillFin said...

Well some of them, 400,000 or so, are probably good people...

George W. Potts said...

See my later blog entry, "Dichotomy," for a thought about moderate Muslims.

George W. Potts said...

And the delta is 400,000,000 ...

ChillFin said...

Apologies. I am on vacation and left my math module at home.