Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Chameleon

Donald Trump is shifting his colors on abortion, taxes, education and medical care. It had been long suspected that Trump was not a down-the-line Republican but more of a conservative Democrat. He is now openly for single-payer health care, higher taxes, Planned Parenthood, etc. ... a lot like Hellery Clinton. But he is against open borders, unfettered free trade, Muslim immigration, gun control, the U.S. carrying NATO, etc. ... a lot unlike Hellery. In fact, Trump positions on many things seem to wax and wane like the cycles of the moon ... see: MSNBC Story for more of his vacillations.

How then is Trump's popularity among Republicans explained? It seems that his populist positions that are supportive of the things that most grate on conservatives are the propellers of his high polling and primary results. If he can avoid the media gauntlet and establishment pitfalls over the next eight months and is elected as our next president, then his other less conservative positions may move more into focus.

So it's beginning to look more and more like this November the American people, if the choice is between the Democrat Trump and the Democrat Hellery, will elect a Democrat to the White House ... unless, of course, Bernie Sanders prevails.

Afterthought: It is also suspected that Cruz and Kasich are members of the family chamaeleonidae.


ChillFin said...

When Trump takes a look at the USA balance sheet, he will dump non-essential assets and obligations, negotiate fees for everything, and start planning the really great bankruptcy-filing of the entire country to our primary lender, China.

It is just capitalism in its purest form. Our credit will be shot, but we should come out with a positive cash flow. The good news is that you can keep your primary residence.

George W. Potts said...

And what pray thee tell will Hellery or Bernie do re our national debt ... except to increase it beyond the clouds? That is if any entity wants to keep buying it ... as our credit will be shot even without a bankruptcy.