Friday, June 05, 2020

Self-loathing Insanity

America seems to be becoming unglued. But this is just a thin veneer of our elitists who thought that they ran things ... yet have been bamboozled at every turn by our undeserving president. As a result, they are thrashing about in a frenzy of self-loathing and self-destructive insanity.

Don’t believe me? Just look at the “peaceful protests” centered in the cities run by these lunies ... attempting to destroy everything that is sacred ... and looting what is left. 

And powerful pols are springing the lawless from prisons, protecting foreign criminal interlopers, pushing for eliminating the police and all hydrocarbons, selling out our country, tearing down our historic monuments, kneeling down in front of anarchists in some misguided hope that they will like them, killing a half million unborn babies a year, saying that there are no longer genders, eliminating even rational drug laws, committing treason to maintain their grip on the levers of power and money, subverting justice in the name of justice ... and claiming all sorts of irrational rants are rational.

If this thin layer of our elite society were a person, “it” would be in paroxysms of manic frustration, foaming at the mouth, in a straight jacket, thrashing around in a padded cell ... demanding succor from its perplexed guards.

Fortunately, although they have the megaphones of the equally manic media, these spittle-flecked grape-nuts are quite few in number and do not represent America. Americans are the guards in the previous analogy waiting for their shifts to be up so they can go home for a burger and a beer ... and play catch with the kids.


Ben Franklin said...

George, George, George. How quickly you have lost track of our history. Without protests we would still be under the King of England (Boston Tea Party) Women would not have the vote. The civil rights movement would not have happened. We'd still be fighting in Vietnam.....the list goes on and on. Don't believe your buddies on the slam bang radio telling you all protestors are rioting It is but a few. Listen to the generals this time.

George W. Potts said...

Yeah, but during those historic protests there were no Walmart’s and CVSs!

(My granddaughter lectured me yesterday that it was OK to burn down a Target store to get rid of white privilege ... sigh ...)

George W. Potts said...

And Ben, you should study up on how inference is supposed to work ...