Monday, June 15, 2020

Stock Market Swoon

Why has the stock market started down again after a dramatic bounce off of the late March lows? Of course I don’t really know. Yes, it might be natural profit taking after such a monumental increase ... or the recent fall off in the price of oil ... or the market could just be “over-bought”(a frequently self-justifying Wall Street term) ... or maybe fear of a Conid-19 resurgence? Or a combination of all of these?

But I have my own special reason — Biden has recently surged in the polls to a double digit lead. I think that the market views a Biden victory in November as economic suicide.


Dem E. Moore said...

The economy has tanked under the recent replicant presidents and soared when Democrats are in office. So your theory is F.O.S

George W. Potts said...

Fairly Often Special?

DEN said...

What swoon?
Perhaps you are conflating Trump's massive double digit popularity swoon with a predictable market correction?
Trump is a lost cause. Come back to the light.

George W. Potts said...

When I wrote this the market was off 900 points after a previous horrible week! Whew-eee! I can’t keep up with you never-Trumpers who had previously denied that Trump had anything to do with his bull market?

DEN said...

We still deny it. He is tanking and the economy is restarting. People are consuming as much as ever, so some businesses are booming.

Trump is shakily walking down ramps and using two hands to drink a cup of water. Biden looks healthy. Remember what you wrote about Hillary's unsteadiness?

George W. Potts said...

Trump is enfeebled and Biden is robust. Hmmm ... I guess we will find out during the debates ... if there are any.