Friday, June 05, 2020

Last of the Key Comparisons

I think that this might be my last post on this issue for a while ... as it seems things may be settling down.

It is difficult to compare the various country, and now state coronavirus statistics ... since they are so far apart in the big tables. So, once again,  I have taken some time to put together some of the critical measures (Tests per million, Cases per million and Deaths per million) for some key countries (USA, Sweden, Norway, Italy, South Korea, Germany) .... and states (California, Massachusetts, New York and Florida) one week after my first comparison. Here are the numbers as of May 22, 2020 ... see: Latest Data for verification. (If you check after 5/22/2020, the numbers will change.)

                   Tests  per million
USA                        59,154
Sweden                   29,291
Norway                  46,553
Italy                        66,970
South Korea           19,330
Germany                51,917

California               55,240
Massachusetts        97,161
New York             117,908
Florida                    51,586

                   Cases per million
USA                         5,817
Sweden                    4,149
Norway                    1,570
Italy                          3,870
South Korea                230
Germany                  2,208

California                  3,111
Massachusetts        14,808
New York                19,704
Florida                      2,802

                 Deaths  per million
USA                           383
Sweden                      452
Norway                        44
Italy                           567
South Korea                  5
Germany                    104

California                   113
Massachusetts         1,045
New York                 1,557
Florida                        122

Do you believe the numbers for South Korea? Actually, the more I inspect numbers, the more I am certain the politics and nationalism are infecting most results. This, of course, makes dealing with this pandemic very problematic ... unfortunately.

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