Friday, September 27, 2019


The Orange Man and America’s Mayor —A Liberal Media View of Things
“It’s Rudy Barr the door!” — Anon.

If the Democrats want all the dirty laundry of 2009 to 20017 to be aired in public, then I suggest that they impeach President Trump and then face in the Senate the cross examination of just about every slimy dirtball operative in the Obama administration ... including, hopefully, B.O. himself. I find it hard to believe that they would allow this airing to occur ... so, I figure that they will do their best to sully Trump in the House with oodles of Schiff-Nadler innuendo ... but never quite get around to voting out the actual indictment ... delaying things so long that the 2020 election would  be adversely affected against the GOP.

I’ve got to believe that the Trump team will try to push things along as best and as fast as they can. If the Dems seem to be slow-walking things ... you’ll know that I’m correct.

In any case, things should get teal bloody .... and the media will be coining money ... one reason they are whipping up a frenzy.

Afterthought: The outcome of Trump’s impeachment cannot be good for two reasons:

1) He loses, which means that many if not all of his agenda items will be scuttled by he Libs and the Clinton crime family will be back in operation

2) He wins, which would mean that his power would be greatly increased. This might be bad if Trump believes that this is a clear mandate ... and it brings out his more autocratic tendencies.

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