Sunday, January 07, 2018

Who's Nuts?

Ward Cleaver and the Beaver

To me there was, and to a lesser extent, still is a mass hysteria surrounding global warming. When I say "mass" I am referring to a large enough portion of the world's population that, once bought into this concept, refuse to let logic or physical evidence sway them from this meme. All they need to see is smoke coming from a factory stack to reinforce the notion that carbon (soot) is carbon dioxide and it is killing us all. (Obama's EPA labeled carbon dioxide, the basis of all life on Earth, a "pollutant.")  Their ears and minds are shut to any dissonance. But fortunately this "mass" is atrophying with every sub-zero day and every polar bear who survives our "planer's fever."

I see a similar mass psychosis surrounding the notion that President Trump is crazy. This meme is driven by much of the media and appeals to a large swath of those who didn't vote for Trump. They dislike this man so much that they want some way to take him down -- Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, the 25th Amendment, anything to cause this man to be gone out of their lives. The poster child of this mass psychosis is Maxine Waters who has been calling for Trump's impeachment since even before his inauguration. And this chorus of irrationality ebbs then grows again with any act by this president that cuts across their political grain.

And Trump reinforces this psychosis diagnosis with his unorthodox behavior ... his early morning tweets, his eccentric tastes (well-done steak with ketchup, ugh!), his taunts of those with whom he disagrees, his tendency toward OCD behavior. But is this nuts? I'm not a psychiatrist (most of whom I have found to be unbalanced anyway), but I don't see Trump to be much further out than one sigma from the Ward Cleaver (the Beaver's dad) notion of "normalcy."

So, boys and girls, is Trump nuts? I would rather point to that parade headed by Maxine Waters ... full of many media types and rabid Democrats as being unstable in their Captain-Queeg-like attempt to take down our president. There is but one small problem .... it's going to take a very large couch and lots of therapeutic introspection for this mass of unbalanced Trump haters to find their sea legs.

Perhaps in Trump's second term?


DEN said...

Are you actually citing a few freezing days as evidence of some trend? Call me nuts for believing that too much Co2 is a bad thing -you might check out Venus with mostly Co2 in the atmosphere and no life because the surface is over 800 degrees.
Minimizing Trump's unfitness as "unorthodox" and "eccentric" is equivalent to saying that Charles Manson "never hurt a puppy".

George W. Potts said...

The reason Venus has so much CO2 is because it has no plant life which converts CO2 into Oxygen and carbohydrates. The reason our CO2 represents about 0.04% of our atmosphere is because we are covered with plants. And the reason we have animals is because of the oxygen and carbohydrates that plants provide. (Venus is also a lot closer to the Sun than aou little green marble.)

Our recent cold weather is hopefully irrelevant. What is relevant is that NONE of the predictions made by the alarmists have come true ... many years after they were guaranteed to occur. Haven't you noticed?

George W. Potts said...

Making thingseve simpler: CO2 on Earth 40 parts per million ... on Venus in excess of 500,000 parts per million. Why does Venus have no plants? Probably lack of tepid water and killer cosmic rays because of its nearness to the Sun.

DEN said...

So you agree that too much CO2 makes a planet hotter...but you avoid mentioning water vapor and how it colludes with gasses to create greenhouse effect.

George W. Potts said...

I will agree that a CO2 level 12,500x what is here on Earth makes things hotter. Have yo asked yourself how this much got t on Venus? Coal-fired power plants? Car exhaust emmissions? I plan to start worrying if an d when CO2 is 10X what it is now here on Earth.

George W. Potts said...

Yes, and I think water vapor, by itself, is something like 7 times more warming tha cO2. Perhaps we should have a Paris conference on water vapor?