Friday, January 19, 2018

Beating Around the Bush

President Trump spoke live and eloquently to "The Right to Life" annual demonstrators in Washington today ... a first ... bringing this thought to mind:

There is a word that is is just as verboten today as the N-word ... the A-word. Feminists are frankly fanatical in their reluctance to use the word "abortion." They say "a woman's right to chose" ... neglecting to include exactly what she is supposed to chose (hint: the A-word). Or they insist on the euphemism "women's reproductive health," combining demands for free contraceptives, free morning-after-pills and free abortions into one semantic slight-of-the-tongue. Have you ever seen pink-hatted crowds of women carrying "Pro Abortion" signs augmented with dead-baby graphics? No? Why is this so? Can these women not admit what they are advocating? Their counter demonstrators sport "Pro Life" placards. To be truthful and courageous, shouldn't the other side be carrying "Pro Death" signs?

These feminists' language gymnastics should be embarrassing to these abortion advocates. Hiding behind misleading words and phrases is not very noble ... but then, taking a human life may be practical and convenient ... but it certainly is not noble.


DEN said...

Speaking of truthful, Pro-life is a fraud. Since not one of you gives a sweet shit about what happens to a person AFTER they are born. If you believe in the sanctity of human life, where is the outrage about gun deaths? Wars, land mines, polluters? Hypocrisy and fraud. You should be embarrassed.

George W. Potts said...

I think it all has to do with choice. All the things you mention involve first-person choosing something. The first person in an abortion, the baby, is not given a voice in the matter.

George W. Potts said...

And, by the way, the blog post was more about the language of abortion than abortion itself. Abortion advocates like yourself need to talk about what is real instead of dancing around things with words like "protoplasm" ...

ChillFin said...

As a tech writer, i have compelling software developers to not use the word “abort” as the command for abnormal termination of a process. They argue that is correct while i argue that the word carries too much baggage—use “exit” instead.

ChillFin said...

As to the movement itself, do everything to prevent pregnancy should be totally acceptable to all. That includes the notion of the morning after pill. Once a fetus is known to exist is a different track, one where right to life takes hold. It’s that war zone in between where a woman likes to screw but does not want to (or cannot afford to) be sterilized. The right to sterilize (tubes tied) is like a man getting a vasectomy.

George W. Potts said...

A woman's right to exit?

DEN said...

For me, life begins at the first breath. Is that direct enough? The term pro-life implies that the advocate cares about all human life. Quibble about Language. Do you deny that You would gladly annihilate millions of people because of their religious or political beliefs, along with their unborn children? This is what I mean by hypocrisy.

ChillFin said...

OK. Termination. Actually it is pro-decision.

ChillFin said...

Do you remember the computer term “abend”? Abnormal end.

George W. Potts said...

No. Must be after my time ...

DEN said...

The fish analogy is a bit slippery. Fish die when exposed to the air humans breath. Also, it is legal to hook, cook and eat fish. Not so with children at any stage. For me, a person's right-to-life begins at the first breath of air.