Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Got Gas?

Our natural gas bill to heat our house normally runs in the mid-$200 range in January. Just got our latest heating bill yesterday -- $471 -- WOW! And I know, I know that weather is not climate ... but something is going on here. Can I ask Al Gore for a donation toward this "anomalous" gas bill?


DEN said...

The 'Deep state'is forcing the gas company to increase the cost of energy to deniers.

ChillFin said...

One conjecture based on recurring anomalous events is that the normally slight waviness of the jet stream has been oscillating more extremely so that the northern rockies are getting balmy temps while we get the downstroke sucking polar air all the way to Florida. Why? You can believe in whatever theory you want or just accept it as fact.

George W. Potts said...

Anyone with any knowledge of limit theory and calculus should find it lunacy to think that science can arrive at a singular temperature across the entire Earth with any confidence ... and that changes to such temperature can be measured with a meaningful degree of accuracy.

ChillFin said...

you are blathering again...

George W. Potts said...

OK wise guy ... tell me what the temperature of Pennsylvania is today. Then the U.S. yesterday. Then North America at 4:03 PM last Sunday. Etc. It is an impossible task ... let alone with the decimal precision implied by the climate "scientists."