Wednesday, September 02, 2015

More Immigration Facts

The Center for Immigration Studies has just published a new disturbing study ... over 50% of all immigrants, both legal and illegal, are on some form of public assistance (73% for those from Mexico and Central America) ... see: Powerline Blog Posting ... and I could not determine whether this study includes the Earned Income Tax Credit which is not considered by many as welfare ... but it clearly is. This contrasts with the statistic that only 30% of native-born Americans are on the dole. Yes, immigrants are contributing money to our various governments with sales taxes, income taxes for those with work permits, and FICA taxes collected on often-phony Social Security numbers. But I find it very difficult to believe that our immigrant population is contributing more to our government coffers than they are extracting.

The Free World is dancing with a dangerous dichotomy ... offering generous welfare benefits while at the same time relaxing its immigration constraints. This, as Milton Freeman says in the referenced blog entry, is a recipe for an eventual economic and social disaster.

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