Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sitting Bull

I had always been curious why the Democrats in Washington never backed Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  She was, after all, the face behind this consumer-reform push coming out of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Law.  My wife and I were even somewhat sympathetic to her cause back then (my wife more than I).

I think we have since discovered this hesitancy on the left ... Elizabeth Warren is one gigantic fraud:

- First it was discovered that she has claimed Native-American heritage ... for which there is no documented proof ... and as a result of which it is quite likely that she has received juicy jobs in academia.  She refuses to authorize release of employment records that would clear up this issue.

- Second it was noted that all the recipes (three, I think) that she submitted to the book, Pow Wow Chow, under the attribution that she was a Cherokee, had been cribbed virtually word for word from other sources ... ironically the New York Times in two instances..

- Now, it is revealed that Ms. Warren has apparently been practicing law in Massachusetts without the proper licensure.  Since I am not conversant with the ins and outs of this issue, I refer you to the lawyer, John Hinderaker, to explain things fully in his blog post at Powerline.

- Lastly, in frequent debates and discussions on local radio here in Massachusetts, Ms. Warren, when asked embarrassing questions, has been evasive to the point of listener-cringing.  Just the other day she was queried as to why the current poobahs at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau were making high six-figure salaries.  She responded with a litany of the good things this agency was doing but, conveniently and obviously, never answered the question.

Her campaign in this state against Senator Scott Brown has basically devolved into one talking point -- her election here will help keep the Republicans from taking over the Senate.  In other words, "hold your nose and vote for me."

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