Wednesday, March 09, 2022

A Huge Bet

Pilgrim, it all comes down to this — if the world is going to burn up in a very few years because of the world’s dependence on fossil fuels, then what Biden is doing can be seen as all-in to avoid that fate, albeit quite a desperate wager. However, the price, pain and devastation it is causing is enormous. This is a pretty strange gamble … with no hedging as any sane gabbler would place.

But what if, as I am convinced, this whole climate change bet craps out?

Afterward: Even stranger … America’s sacrifice will not mean a tinker’s fart in reducing the Earth’s CO2 levels … unless the rest of the world, particularly Russia, China and India, also follows suit.

Ain’t going to happen! So maybe this is all just another Dem control (and money-making) thingie?



ChillFin said...

Imagine driving an electric car that is in all-electric home that gets its electricity from solar panels. We are not there yet there are many households in the sunbelt who are there. They could not give a damn if oil was a $1,000 a barrel. Sunshine is not owned by anyone. Note that the holders of the greatest oil reserves are not really our friends despite peddling nearly 100 million barrels a day. Our hedge bet is that we actually have a lot of oil to make up for our shortfalls.

George W. Potts said...

Great, but you will be speaking Mandarin …