Friday, April 03, 2020

COVID-19 Questions

- What country has executed the most effective strategy in combating this pandemic? And what was it?

- How many celebrity grandstanders have claimed to have been infected with coronavirus, when they weren’t ... just to grab some headlines?

- How come epidemiologists are producing such a wide range of pandemic predictions with their “models?” One would think that this process should be settled science after we have been through a number of pandemics?

- Why did we ... and the rest of the world ... not shut down our economies during the much more severe Spanish flu in 1918-19?

- Is coronavirus a STD?

- What are the real Chinese infection and death numbers? 10-fold higher ...or even greater than that? What punishment might be levied on China for the worldwide consequences of this duplicity?

- Why are all the American job losses only in the private sector ... while government workers seemingly are immune to layoffs? And will these same government workers also be receiving the $1,200 @ coronavirus stimulus checks for (not) being unemployed? We might also add to this bonanza class retired people (like myself) who have had no interruptions to our income? And private sector employees who have not been let go from their jobs?

- What percentage of our population needs to be infected/recovered with or vaccinated against coronavirus to provide us herd immunity? Does this differ with different diseases (a function of transmissibility)?


ChillFin said...

i have noticed that they report people that are symptomatic, those who then tested positive, those that recovered, and those that died. What i wonder is how many are on ventilators, how long they have been on them, and after how many days did people recover or die.

George W. Potts said...

As had suspected for along time, Trump puts Kushner into operations so that he gets the inside skinny on what is really happening.