Thursday, April 16, 2020


Life is made down of tips, tics and tricks. — Anon.

We are all quite unique ... from the way we hold our fork to the way we tie our shoes. The sum total of all our behavior and misbehavior is who we are ... no more, no less. We are unique unto ourselves ... somehow constructed by how we react to everything and everyone around us.

Some of these reactions are appealing ... some are off-putting ... depending on who is judging us. And who is judging is, of course, also unique in their judgements ... love, hate, indifference. This myriad of life’s possible combinations is what keeps our days unpredictable  ... and oh so interesting.

A squeeze of a hand, a turn of a phrase, a purse of the lips .., anything can mean the difference between a roaring success and the boring rest.

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