Friday, April 03, 2020

A Dissenting Opinion

I’m not sure I fully agree (possibly selfishly) with him, but nevertheless you might want to read this dissenting opinion on how we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic ... see: The Diplomad.


ChillFin said...

The diplomad needs to ride around in a NYC subway for an afternoon. Odds are, in a couple weeks he'll be lying on a gurney in a hospital ICU hallway, gasping for breath, trying to slip $100 bills to a techie dressed like an astronaut to score a ventilator machine. Or not.

DEN said...

Every working doctor I know (3) is alarmed at the number of deaths they are seeing from Covid-19. Having a 'dissenting opinion' in the face of provable facts renders one laughably irrelevant.

George W. Potts said...

See his latest: