Tuesday, April 16, 2019

BS Meter

Mayor Peter Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana has announced his candidacy for the US presidency ... see: AP Story. A center plank in his platform joins many of his fellow announced candidates — climate change is our biggest security challenge.

Apparently Americans are supposedly waking up to this existential threat ... as determined by recent pedagogical polling ... see: Yale Study.

So am I convinced yet? Do I think that extreme weather events are increasing and will soon consume us? No, kind reader, I have been around too long and have a historic perspective ... and can search the Internet for the actual facts on hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and other extreme weather events. You, kind reader can duplicate these efforts to test the many hysterical news stories we are being fed on a daily basis.

Witness tornadoes in the US ... which we have been told are increasing dramatically. As you can view above, this is another non-fact ... like so many of the fabricated facts supposedly validating global warming: dying polar bears, melting Greenland glaciers, more severe hurricanes than times past (see: NOAA Study), California droughts and flooding, etc.

Kind readers, every time you hear another validating claim about the 12 years that we only have left ... your BS meter should read red. Go to Google (better DuckDuckGo) and do your own research ... like mine above. (Avoid Snopes and FactCheck.) And then I doubt you will vote for Mayor Peter or the rest of the climate alarmists.

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