Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trump's Trith

"I'm always true to you darlin' ... in my way." -- from the musical "Oklahoma"

President Trump is often accused of being a serial liar. Yes, he often gets his facts off a bit, but many if not most Americans think that these slips are not malicious (like his predecessor's "You can keep your health insurance.") Trump also tells fibs that flatter people for political ends. This is understandable and forgivable. Although Trump may not always be fully factually honest, he is certainly forthright.

Is one truth better than another? Only if the truthteller is forthright, logical, experienced and diligent ... in that order. Using these metrics, I think that Trump can be realistically classified as truthful ... in his own way.

1 comment:

DEN said...

I am aghast! This is perhaps the biggest steaming odoriferous pile of deceptive crap you have ever written. Virtually every word of your post is a lie. It is clear that you have taken leave of your senses. Like the Cheese Shop counterman in the Monty Python skit, you are deliberately wasting our time. Therefore, This will be my last comment, and I'm deleting your blog from my favorites list. Goodbye.