Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Pick One

I have been asked by the Kennedy Library to recommend someone for this year's Profiles in Courage Award. Bring that this year, like most, is the Year of the Woman, they have given me a list of possible female candidates as follows:

Elizabeth Warren

Diane Feinstein

Maxine Waters

Christine Blasey Ford

Hillary Clinton

Susan Collins

Kristen Gillibrand

Kamala Harrus

I have one of these women in mind, but I'm not sure that she will be well received. What do you think?


DEN said...

I think it should be Elizabeth Warren, who has been caught in only one lie, (whereas, oddly, her most vocal detractors support the buffoon in the W.H. who lies every time he opens his mouth!)

George W. Potts said...

Are you suggesting the Trump should get the PICA?

DEN said...

Well, he is the Prevaricator In Charge! He deserved something.
Horseface calls him Tiny. Now he needs to show us his taxes AND his dubious weenie.