Sunday, October 07, 2018

George Soros

My wife, comparing the size of Trump's Kansas crowd last night to the Kavanaugh protesters in DC: "Even with all his billions, George Soros wouldn't have enough money to pay his AstroTurf fees to all the many supporters that Trump draws at his many rallies for free."


DEN said...

Is there some evidence to support your assertion about paid supporters?

George W. Potts said...

The woman who was screaming at Jeff Flake is from Columbia, works for a Soros front organization making $177K per yrar. Google her. I think there are videos of some demonstrators being paid off.

DEN said...

Seems like your bar of thruthiness is pretty low.

George W. Potts said...

The story on the Columbia woman working for Soros was in the WSJ.