Sunday, October 15, 2017

Professor Hillary

Hillary Clinton is in negotiations to become a professor at Columbia University ... see: NY Daily News Story.There are a few questions and stipulations surrounding this possible development:

- Will she be charging $250,000 per lecture?

- Will her classroom be under a broken glass ceiling?

- What subject(s) will she be teaching -- Gender Bender Studies? Cattle Futures Trading? The Teachings of Saul Alinsly? Keeping Law Firm Billing Records? Political Ethics? Cookie Baking? What' s Wrong with Constitutional Law? Marital Fidelity? Wine Tasting? The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Studies? The Path to Socialism? Ashtray Throwing? Arkansas Real Estate Speculation? Public Speaking for Fun and Profit? Managing a Travel Office? FBI Files Data Mining? Spirit Cooking? The Advantages of Charitable Foundations? and/or How to Run for Political Office?

- She will only teach one hour a day, two days a week ... and never before noon.  She may have substitute guest lecturers chosen from among her friends -- Hubby Bubba, Harvey Weinstein, Ayatollah Khamenei, Barack Obama, John Forbes Kerry, John Podesta, Huma Abadin, Madelaine Albright, Mohamed Morsi, and Beelzebub. She still will be paid the same under these circumstances.

- The name of this university must be changed to something more PC.

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