Saturday, August 06, 2016

The Economy Stupid

Dana Perino, former White House Press Secretary and generally an astute political observer, commented last night on The Five on the Fox News Network that Donald Trump's strategy over the next few months should be to hammer on the poor economy ... as James Carville said back in 1994, "It's the economy stupid."

There is one problem with this strategy and that is that the Obummer administration controls the reporting of the economic results ... and, as we have repeatedly seen, they have a huge barbecue pit out behind the White House where they can cook these numbers to whatever degree of doneness that is necessary ... as they have already repeatedly exhibited with unemployment figures ... see: Culture of Corruption (follow the thread).

This administration has shamelessly shown that there is no boundary to their political ambitions ... and there is no lever of government that they will not pull to get their way. So, Dana, good idea ... but dangerous with these bozos.


Anonymous said...

My economy is pretty good. How is yours?

George W. Potts said...

Perhaps because you are early to rise ...

Truthtalker said...

My people still suffer the wounds and depredations caused by white immigrants, cowboys and priests. Great black father Obama was big disappointment. Orange man with big hair, big mouth and small hands ran casino into bankruptcy. Not a warrior. Poops in own tepee.

George W. Potts said...

You are an Indian ... you sly silk-mouth devil! Your casino died because you squeezed to hard on EBTers. Orange lives matter!