Monday, August 08, 2016

Proposed Constitutional Amendments

This country has not amended its Constitution for 14 years ... the last being a rather trivial one ... the 27th amendment that kept Congressional self-voted pay raises from taking effect until their next term. Being that this is a "living, breathing document" I think that it does need some updating due to current events. Here are my suggestions for more significant amendments for when the Republicans might control the White House and both houses of Congress:

28th Amendment -- Forces our Federal government to balance its budget every year ... no special  overrides or exceptions ... unless Congress has passed a declaration of war.

29th Amendment -- Requires all entitlements' future cost to be discounted to current value at the current inflation rate ... and to be included in the current federal budget process.

30th Amendment -- Requires Congress and the entire government complex to live under all the laws that are passed for the population in general.

31st Amendment -- Permits the summary removal from office WITHOUT the impeachment process for any president who will not enforce any duly-enacted Congressional laws ... unless he/she has petitioned Congress first and received permission.

32nd Amendment  -- Establishes a nepotistic prohibition for any direct blood or marital relatives of any president from taking any other elected or appointed federal office ... such as Attorney General, Secretary of State or Senator.

33rd Amendment -- Prohibits any alternative legal system, such as Sharia law, from getting supremacy anywhere in the United States or its territories over our Constitutional legal system.

34th Amendment -- Replaces the current pension system for appointed or elected government employees with a system equivalent to what is available in the private sector -- 401Ks, IRAs, etc.

35th Amendment -- Limits the annual presidential personal travel and entertainment budget to five times his/her annual salary. Any overage must be paid for by the president out of private funds. This obviously does not include any state functions.

36th Amendment -- Prohibits any government funds from being used for presidential libraries until twenty years after departing office.

1 comment:

Truthtalker said...

Strangely enough, these suggestions sound quite reasonable.